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Billet, Marion
Publié en 2015
Gallimard Jeunesse Musique
1 vol. (non paginé [12] p.)
Album/ maternelle
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
EAN : 9782070663828
Tish Rabe (Author), Aristides Ruiz (Illustrator), Joe Mathieu (Illustrator)
Publié en 2024
Penguin Random House Children's Uk
Laugh and learn with fun facts about humankind’s best friend—dogs!—all told in Dr. Seuss’s beloved rhyming style and starring The Cat in the Hat. “I’m the Cat in the Hat, and today we will go to the Short-Shaggy-Tail-Waggy Super Dog Show!” The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library series combines beloved characters, engaging rhymes, and Seussian illustrations to introduce children to non-fiction topics from the real world! In this doggone fun book, readers will learn about: • the wide variety of dog breeds • their amazing bodies and senses • the growth stages of puppies • and much more!
6- 10 years/ Children's Zoology Book/ Children's Pet Book
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
ISBN : 978-0-375-86682-1
EAN : 9780375866821
Courtin, Thierry
Publié en 2017
Il est l'heure de dormir. Mais ce soir, T'choupi n'a vraiment pas sommeil…
Album/ maternelle / REVES? Sommeil
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 978-2-09-257089-0
EAN : 9782092570890
Bourgeau / Cédric , Vincent / Ramadier
Publié en 2017
Loulou & Cie-l'École des Loisirs
1 vol. (non paginé [17] p.)
C'est l'heure de se coucher. Mais cette fois, c'est le livre qui a envie qu'on lui raconte une histoire avant de dormir. Doucement, ses yeux deviennent lourds, puis se ferment quand on lui fait un bisou et il s'endort...
Album/ sommeil, Réves/ Genre Literature & Fiction
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 978-2-211-23155-8
EAN : 9782211231558
Charlat, Benoît
Publié en 2014
Album/ maternelle
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 978-2-211-21929-7
EAN : 9782211219297
Bello, Antoine
Publié en 2012
1 vol. (283 p.)
Le détective Achille Dunot souffre d'une étrange forme d'amnésie. Depuis un récent accident, sa mémoire ne forme plus de nouveaux souvenirs, si bien qu'il se réveille chaque matin en ayant tout oublié des événements de la veille. Quand le chef de la police lui demande d'enquêter sur la disparition d'emilie Brunet, une des femmes les plus riches du pays, Achille décide de tenir un journal dans lequel il consignera le soir, avant d'aller se coucher, les enseignements de la journée. Lui qui ne jure que par Agatha Christie devient ainsi à son insu le héros et le lecteur d'un drôle de roman policier, dont il est aussi l'auteur. Très vite, tout accuse Claude Brunet, le mari de la disparue. Il a plusieurs mobiles et aucun alibi. Il se vante à demi-mot d'avoir commis le crime parfait. Mais surtout, il ose critiquer les méthodes d'Hercule Poirot.
Mystère et suspense/ Romans policiers
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 978-2-07-044689-6
EAN : 9782070446896
Diome Fatou
Publié en 2003
Le livre de poche
Salie vit en France. Son frère, Madické, rêve de l’y rejoindre et compte sur elle. Mais comment lui expliquer la face cachée de l’immigration, lui qui voit la France comme une terre promise où réussissentles footballeurs sénégalais, où vont se réfugier ceux qui, comme Sankèle, fuient un destin tragique ? Les relations entre Madické et Salie nous dévoilent l’inconfortable situation des « venus de France », écrasés par les attentes démesurées de ceux qui sont restés au pays et confrontés à la difficulté d’être l’autre partout. Distillant leurre et espoir, Le Ventre de l’Atlantique charrie entre l’Europe et l’Afrique des destins contrastés. Car, même si la souffrance de ceux qui restent est indicible, il s’agit de partir, voguer, libre comme une alguede l’Atlantique. Ce premier roman, sans concession, est servi par une écriture pleine de souffleet d’humour.
Roman/ Genre Literature & Fiction
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 978-2-253-10907-5
EAN : 9782253109075
Khaled Hosseini
Publié en 2011
Afghanistan, 1975: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return to Afghanistan under Taliban rule to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption.
Roman/ Literary Graphic Novel/ Family Saga Fiction
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
ISBN : 978-1-4088-2485-6
EAN : 9781408824856
Shafak Elif
Publié en 2016
Penguin Uk
Bonbon Palace was once a stately apartment block in Istanbul. Now it is a sadly dilapidated home to ten wildly different individuals and their families. There's a womanizing, hard-drinking academic with a penchant for philosophy; a 'clean freak' and her lice-ridden daughter; a lapsed Jew in search of true love; and a charmingly naïve mistress whose shadowy past lurks in the building. When the trash at Bonbon Palace is stolen, a mysterious sequence of events unfolds that result in a soul-searching quest for truth. By turns comic and tragic, this is an outstandingly original novel driven by an overriding sense of social justice.
Roman anglais/ Literature & Fiction
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
ISBN : 978-0-241-20190-9
EAN : 9780241201909
Will Smith (Author), Mark Manson (Author)
Publié en 2021
Century, Penguin Random House Children's Uk
One of the most dynamic and globally recognized entertainment forces of our time opens up fully about his life, in a brave and inspiring book that traces his learning curve to a place where outer success, inner happiness, and human connection are aligned. Along the way, Will tells the story in full of one of the most amazing rides through the worlds of music and film that anyone has ever had. Will Smith's transformation from a fearful child in a tense West Philadelphia home to one of the biggest rap stars of his era and then one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history, with a string of box office successes that will likely never be broken, is an epic tale of inner transformation and outer triumph, and Will tells it astonishingly well. But it's only half the story. Will Smith thought, with good reason, that he had won at life: not only was his own success unparalleled, his whole family was at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. Only they didn't see it that way: they felt more like star performers in his circus, a seven-days-a-week job they hadn't signed up for. It turned out Will Smith's education wasn't nearly over. This memoir is the product of a profound journey of self-knowledge, a reckoning with all that your will can get you and all that it can leave behind. Written with the help of Mark Manson, author of the multi-million-copy bestseller The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Will is the story of how one exceptional man mastered his own emotions, written in a way that can help everyone else do the same. Few of us will know the pressure of performing on the world's biggest stages for the highest of stakes, but we can all understand that the fuel that works for one stage of our journey might have to be changed if we want to make it all the way home. The combination of genuine wisdom of universal value and a life story that is preposterously entertaining, even astonishing, puts Will the book, like its author, in a category by itself.
biographie / anglais
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
ISBN : 978-1-529-12416-3
EAN : 9781529124163
Publié en 2000
Presence Africaine
Literature & Fiction/ Essay & Correspondence
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 978-2-7087-0639-2
EAN : 9782708706392
Murakami Haruki
Publié en 2000
The Harvill Press London
When he hears her favourite Beatles song, Toru Watanabe recalls his first love Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend Kizuki. Immediately he is transported back almost twenty years to his student days in Tokyo, adrift in a world of uneasy friendships, casual sex, passion, loss and desire - to a time when an impetuous young woman called Midori marches into his life and he has to choose between the future and the past.
Roman historique du XXe siècle/ Littérature japonaise
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
ISBN : 9780099554561
EAN : 9780099554561