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Cowell, Cressida
Over on Lava-Lout Island, the volcano is ready to blow. Now Hiccup faces a terrifying Quest to Stop the Volcano Exploding, alongside his best friend Fishlegs and Humungously Hotshot the ex-Hero. But not only is Lava-Lout Island full of EXTERMINATOR DRAGONS, Hiccup's ARCH ENEMY is also lurking - and he's seeking REVENGE!
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Cowell, Cressida
Hiccup Haddock Horrendous the Third just wants a nice PEACEFUL birthday. But Hiccup's dad wants to steal the prized How to Train Your Dragon book, and prove that his Hooligans are just as good as the Bog Burglars - except Hiccup's dragon Toothless has EATEN it! So when Camicazi suggests stealing a copy from the grim Meathead Public Library, it seems like a good idea. BUT IT ISN'T! The library is guarded by the Horrible Hairy Scary the Librarian, four hundred Meathead Warrior Guards AND their Driller-Dragons . . . Will Hiccup survive - or is he DOOMED on his own birthday?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Cowell, Cressida
Trapped on The American Dream II with his friends Fishlegs and Camicazi, Hiccup must ESCAPE the barbarian Norbert the Nutjob, and somehow dodge the cruel Polar-serpents in the icy waters below. If ONLY Hiccup hadn't promised to help the Wanderer slaves on board escape too! HOW will Hiccup save himself, his friends and a hundred and twenty-two Wanderers off a ship WITHOUT their terrifying captors noticing?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Cowell, Cressida
Whilst searching for his lost friend Camicazi, Hiccup and the Hooligan Tribe have ended up on Uglithug Island. Now UG, the most brutal King in the World, sets Hiccup the Impossible Task. He must venture to the Isle of Berserk to pass his test or DIE trying. And all while being hunted down by an old enemy with a dark secret about the Lost Throne... Can Hiccup find Camicazi, and succeed in his task?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Cowell, Cressida
Bad times have come to the Archipelago. Ever since the woods of Berserk burned down, it is almost as if the world is cursed. Dragons are starting to revolt against their Masters. The waters have risen, flooding fields and washing whole villages away. But worse still, the wicked witch Excellinor has returned. Can Hiccup find the King's Things and win the sword-fighting contest to stop Alvin the Treacherous from becoming King of the Wilderwest?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Cowell, Cressida
When we last left Hiccup things were getting very dark indeed. The Dragon Rebellion has begun. Snotlout is the new Chief of the Hooligan Tribe. Stoick has been banished and given the Slavemark. And Alvin the Treacherous has EIGHT of the King's Lost Things, and has been proclaimed the new King of the Wilderwest ... But what can Hiccup do, now all alone and in exile, hunted by both humans and dragons? Can he find the Dragon Jewel, mankind's last and only hope and become the Hero once again?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Gray, Kes
Daisy's getting into more trouble than ever before! When her best friend Gabby turns up at Daisy's house with the most awesome, immense, water-squirting micro-scooter Daisy's ever seen, Daisy knows she's got to have one too! Trouble is, they cost a LOT of money. So Daisy and Gabby hatch a money-making plan...
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Gray, Kes
When three actual burglaries happen in Daisy’s town, Daisy is beside herself with excitement. Two houses and the fish and chip shop have been broken into (and lots of cods and haddocks have been stolen). Anyone could be next!
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Gray, Kes
Daisy's getting into trouble again, and this time it's at her school Sports Day! Daisy's determined to win her race, and she and best friend Gabby have been training hard. They're going for gold! They're in the zone! They're sticking to a strict athlete's diet of Mars bars, Twiglets and cheese strings! Trouble is, everyone else in the class wants to win too . . .
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Gray, Kes
'The trouble with coconuts is they are the worst type of nuts in the whole wide world. If you ask me, coconuts shouldn’t be allowed in a funfair. If you double ask me, they shouldn’t even be allowed to grow. Coconuts are too big. Coconuts are too hairy. Plus, if you try to win one, they just get you into trouble. Which isn’t my fault!'
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Carpenter, Humphrey
Puffin Books
The pupils in Class 3 at St Barty's School are not impressed when their headteacher imposes strict rules of behaviour for Halloween. Mr Majeika uses a little magic to make the evening memorable but nasty Hamish Bigmore tells the local press and gets the wizard-teacher the sack. School without magic seems rather boring and Mr Majeika doesn't last long in the other jobs he tries. His long-time enemy, Wilhelmina Warlock is clearly behindall the trouble; she and the dreaded Hamish must be defeated before life can return to normal.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Carpenter, Humphrey
Puffin Books
As a rule, magic carpets don't turn up in schools, but this is exactly what happens when Class Three’s new teacher flies in through the classroom window and lands on the floor with a bump. Mr Majeika can behave just like any ordinary teacher if he wants to, but something has to be done about Hamish Bigmore, the class nuisance, and so he uses a little magic to turn him into a frog. And to everyone's delight it looks as if Hamish will have to remain a frog because Mr Majeika can't remember the spell to turn him back again! With Mr Majeika in charge, suddenly life at school become much more exciting – there's even a magic-carpet ride to Buckingham Palace!
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français