Résultats : 1885 à 1896 sur un total de 4268
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Watson, Jude
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Warner, Sally
After Annie Pat makes it clear that she doesn't want her best friend adding another best friend to the mix, Emma rethinks her friendship with Krysten, but when Emma forgets important plans she had with Annie Pat, Annie Pat is forced to reconsider Emma's best friend status.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
Jade is so used to living in the shadow of Vicky, her loud, confident best friend, that when a tragic accident occurs, she can hardly believe that Vicky's no longer around. But Vicky's a sparky girl who's not going to let a small thing like being dead stop her from living life to the full! Whether Jade is in lessons, out running or tentatively trying to make new friends, Vicky is determined to make her presence felt . . .
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
From climbing and abseiling to canoeing and a Crazy Bucket Race, the adventure holiday promises to be full of action. There's just one problem as far as Tim is concerned: he is hopeless at sports of any kind. Can Tim survive the horrors of a week absolutely packed with activity? Can his team - the Tigers - be the overall champions? There are some surprises in store for everyone!
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
Ruby and Garnet are twins. Since their mother died they have lived with Dad and Gran, but now nasty Rose is moving in, and they must deal with their new home and new mother, who turns out not to be so nasty after all.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
Kevin wants to join Micky, Ricky and Nicky's pop band but they are not sure he's cool enough. Doesn't Kevin realise that Gran-knitted jumpers with sheep and teddy bears on them aren't the right kind of clothes for a pop star? Lucky for Kevin his Gran has a basement - the only place the boys have to practise. - so he makes the group. The band does well but when big record boss Mr Rich offers them a deal he says they need to drop the odd guy with the jumpers. Will the band choose certain fame or will they give it up to keep Kevin in the group...?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
A funny and heartwarming story of four children who discover an extraordinary way to make wishes come true, Four Children and It is inspired by E Nesbit's classic, Five Children and It.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
Mum isn't happy - she thinks Tanya's a BAD GIRL and a bad influence on her daughter. But Mandy loves spending time with her brilliant new friend, and is sure Tanya can only get her out of trouble, not into it . . . or could she?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
Dolphin adores Marigold, her beautiful, vibrant mother. She’s not like the other mums. She has vivid tattoos all over her body, bright hair and wonderful clothes. But Dolphin’s sister, Star, feels differently. Marigold may look amazing, but living with her fiery, unpredictable moods can be hard. As much as the girls love Marigold, is she the right person to be looking after them?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
Mary is fed up of being wrapped in cotton wool by her gran. Being blind doesn't mean that she can't look after herself. So Mary decides to go down to the sweetshop by herself for the first time but the trip is more eventful than she could ever have imagined and the shop is burgled whilst Mary is in there! How will she escape and get home safely?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Wilson, Jacqueline
A tale of two girls from different times, but with similar problems. Charlie thinks the Victorians were not at all dull, and Lottie, who is also eleven, certainly isn't. Her life is hard work, but Charlie thinks Lottie would know what to do about her mum's dreadful boyfriend and his wimpy son.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Yorke, Malcolm
Albert is no ordinary horse - he's magical. He travels the world with a wise old man granting people's wishes. However, when they reach a poor land which is wickedly ruled by a greedy royal family, the majesties hear of Albert's powers and of course want him to grant all their wishes.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français