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The First Emperor of China | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2010 | Français | Auteur : Rollason, Jane | Mot clef : Langage
Cote : R ROL | EAN : 9781408231982
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Little Women with Cd | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2007 | Français | Auteur : Alcott, Louise May | Mot clef : Anglais | Résumé : The four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy - have problems. Their father is away in the war and they don't have much money. But the girls have happy times, too! Read this story of family love in a difficult year for the Marches.
Cote : R ALC | EAN : 9781405852029
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Carroll, Lewis | Éditeur : Oxford University Press | Mot clef : Anglais | Résumé : There, on top of the mushroom, was a large caterpillar, smoking a pipe. After a while the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow, sleepy voice, 'Who are you?'What strange things happen when Alice falls down the rabbit-hole and into Wonderland! She has conversations with the Caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat, goes to the Mad Hatter's tea party, plays croquet with the King and Queen of Hearts . . .
Cote : R CAR | EAN : 9780194790512
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The Prisoner of Zenda | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Hope, Anthony | Éditeur : Oxford University Press | Mot clef : Anglais
Cote : R HOP | EAN : 9780194791274
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The Scarlet Letter | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Hawthorne, Nathaniel | Éditeur : Oxford University Press | Mot clef : Anglais | Résumé : Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter 'A' stands for 'Adultery'. In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child born outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her life. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?
Cote : R HAW | EAN : 9780194791830
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And Then There Were None | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2011 | Français | Auteur : Christie, Agatha | Mot clef : Anglais | Résumé : Some guests are invited to a lonely mansion on Indian Island by a host who, surprisingly, fails to appear. First there were ten, each with something to hide and something to fear. On the island they are cut off from everything but each other and the inescapable shadows of their own past lives. One by one, the guests share the darkest secrets of their wicked pasts and, one by one, they die. This is considered by many readers the best mystery novel ever written.
Cote : R CHR | EAN : 9781408261200
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Nelson Mandela | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2007 | Français | Auteur : Veness Coleen-degnan | Mot clef : Anglais | Résumé : Nelson Mandela's life is the story of a country boy and his fight for the black people of South Africa. The extraordinary story of a great man, a freedom fighter and one of the world's most important leaders.
Cote : R VEN | EAN : 9781405852098
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Twain, Mark | Éditeur : Oxford University Press | Mot clef : Anglais
Cote : R TWA | EAN : 9780194789004
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How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds | Livre | Documentaire | 2012 | Français | Auteur : Boothman, Nicholas | Mot clef : Psychologie | Résumé : For interviewing, selling, managing, pitching an idea, applying to college—or looking for a soulmate—the secret of success is based on connecting with other people. And you can do it in 90 seconds or less through Nicholas Boothman’s program of establishing face-to-face communication.
Cote : 150 BOO | ISBN : 211 | EAN : 211
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l'encyclopédie des philosophes | Livre | Documentaire | 2004 | Français | Auteur : Collectif
Cote : 030 COL | ISBN : 35 | EAN : 35
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le but | Livre | Documentaire | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Mohammad Zana-ali | Mot clef : Psychologie
Cote : 150 MOH | ISBN : 2008 | EAN : 2008
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la poésie | Livre | Fiction | Poésie | 2010 | Français | Auteur : Mzuri Sabir
Cote : P MZU | EAN : 491
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