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Naja Mahfouz, Sahar
Publié en 2013
A little boy wakes up to the call of ‘red sweet red’ from the morning vendor selling fruit. His curiosity increases daily as he unsuccessfully tries to catch the vendor and discover the red sweet fruit he has on his cart. He plays a game with his mother to try and guess what the vendor might be referring to. Perhaps it is watermelon, strawberries or grapes. Set in the heart of a traditional Levantine street, Red Sweet Red’ introduces a playful venture to guess the fruit with the narrator and understand the different colloquial expressions used by Arab vendors.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Publié en 2009
Salem is a river fisherman who lost his job because the river dried up and is now jobless because he doesn’t know any other craft. Hespends most of his time in bed while his generous neighbor sends him honey and ghee daily from his farm. He eats a bit of it and saves the rest in a jar. One day, when he discovers that the jar is full, he thinks of selling it to become rich and live his dream. He calculates that honey and ghee are now expensive in the market and with this money he will be able to buy a billy goat and 20 nanny goats. He then calculates the number of goats he’ll have when his nanny goats give birth and their children do the same. He will be able to make a fortune! Excited with this idea, he starts dancing around with his cane and accidentally breaks the jar. The Jar of Honey and Ghee portrays that the risks of depending on outside factors are high; meanwhile, that being independent is the best way to achieve one’s own goals.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Al Musallam, Abdulaziz
Publié en 2014
A folk fairytale from the UAE about the story of a poor fisherman who is unable to catch fish for days until the sea genie appears to him to ask for the fisherman’s young daughter’s hand for marriage. In return, the genie would grant him a future without poverty or hunger. The daughter sacrifices her life and future and goes on to live in a magical palace where she discovers the true nature of the genie. This story suggests the concept of sacrifice and acceptance through a charming tale of imagination.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Publié en 2009
A herd of elephants arrive at the land of the rabbits and disrupt their lives. They drink from their water reservoir and take over the place. The rabbits are afraid to get out from their burrows and get crushed under their feet. They gather and most rabbits decide to run away except the intelligent Fairuz, she has a great idea to get rid of the elephants forever. One night, she mounts a hill and announces the moon’s anger at the king of elephants for drinking from the reservoir. She calls for him to follow her to the water reservoir and see the moon. The elephant refuses to apologize to the banana-like crescent and laughs at Fairuz’s suggestion. She tells him that the king and his herd have a few days to leave before the moon rises in revenge.The Rabbit and the King of Elephants emphasizes the importance of handling situations in a patient and strategic manner to resolve problems efficiently.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Al Khayat, Maitha
Publié en 2012
A little Bedouin girl is stuck with a peculiar camel guest who will not be satisfied and happy until he is served the famous Emirati traditional dish loqaimat (sweet and crunchy bites). The girl tries her best to impress the camel by serving him different popular Emirati dishes like ballaleet, hareess, sagow, khanfaroosh, batheeth and Khabees but he only craves loqaimat. When grandma serves the loqaimat dish, he does not settle for them alone without dipping them in the traditional date syrup. When a Camel Craves Crunchies (Loqaimat) is a humorous and rhyming story presenting the UAE traditional customs of food and hospitality.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Zbib Daher, Rania
Publié en 2012
The city decides to demolish its last park, a small green space where the children of the neighbourhood play and others exercise or relax. Kareem, the protagonist, goes to the park to play soccer with his friends daily. They all love the park very much and look forwarded to spending time together there. One day, they see a note on the park gate from the mayor prohibiting access to the park and announcing its demolition date. Kareem and his father organize a demonstration with their townspeople to block the bulldozers intending to transform the park into a parking lot. Will the Park Gate be Shut encourages children to express their opinions and speak up against challenging situations without resorting to violence.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Ghabish, Salha
Publié en 2011
Father Zayed is a short biography about the founder of the United Arab Emirates, who was a perceptive and passionate individual from youth. Sheikh Zayed wished to see the desert around him transform into a green land of oases. Father Zayed narrates glimpses of Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s biography for children to understand how a young man living in the desert envisioned and founded the UAE.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Publié en 2008
Roomy and Freydoun are the classic cat and rat story of the chase. One day, Roomy the cat is stuck in a fisherman’s net and is unable to free himself. Freydoun finds this to be an opportunity to poke fun at Roomy and enjoys moments of freedom. Few seconds later, two of his other enemies arrive at the scene and become a threat on his life. The owl and the weasel are both common enemies of rats and cats which puts both Freydoun and Roomy is danger. The rat can still escape, however, he needs to pass close to Roomy, who could still catch him through the net. For that, Freydoun makes a deal with Roomy in order to save both their lives. Help Me Help You highlights the ties that evolve between enemies who suddenly find themselves with a common interest and demonstrates how these bonds are strengthened in the face of danger.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Koraytem, Salma
Publié en 2012
Things disappear around the house one day and Lina, the main character, is nowhere to be found. She is later found on the balcony with a packed suitcase ready to take-off. The Traveling Suitcase uncovers the strange and comical behaviour children would exhibit in order to get attention from their parents while highlighting the importance of being attentive to children’s needs.
Langue Arabe
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Rivière, Anne
Publié en 2013
Marin et Marine sont jumeaux et vivent sur un bateau. C'est la rentrée des classes, et le papa de Marin l'inscrit dans une école de piraterie. Et il veut que Marine devienne infirmière, comme leur mère. Mais Marin a horreur de la bagarre. Ce qu'il veut, c'est soigner les gens et devenir infirmier. Alors que Marine, elle, rêve d'être pirate. Les premiers jours sont catastrophiques pour les jumeaux. Marin est puni parce qu'il ne sait pas se battre, qu'il est trop poli. Quant à Marine, elle rate tous ses pansements. Et s'ils échangeaient ? Rien de plus facile ! Marin et Marine se ressemblent comme deux gouttes d'eau...
Mes premiers J'aime lire
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
EAN : 9782747048989
Publié le 01-01-2014
Docu-actus : Les dernières découvertes sur les dinos pour répondre à toutes tes questions Débat : Peut-on recréer des dinosaures ? Zooms : des images incroyables BD : Grrreeny Jeux : Sauras-tu être à la hauteur… des dinos ? Activités : Crée une dino-frise ou sculpte un os de dino ! En savoir + À fabriquer : • Un quiz pour tester tes connaissances sur les dinosaures • Un guide accordéon avec plein de records à emmener partout avec toi • Des autocollants petits et grands sur tes dinos préférés ! • Un T-REX de 30 cm
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
Parthoens, Luc
Publié en 2005
Le lombard
Bande dessinée
collection : http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb391371382 / 1 vol. (46 p.)
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
EAN : 9782803613519