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Le gros câlin arc-en-ciel


Le gros câlin arc-en-ciel | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2010 | Français | Auteur : Dietrich, Eva M | Éditeur : Samir | Résumé : L'amitié peut-elle durer toute la vie ? Dans ce livre grand format, au parfum de banane, Zag et Babou, deux singes tendres et rigolos, semblent avoir trouvé une réponse. Un grand livre qui sent bon la banane et les petits bonheurs de l'amitié. Cote : A DIE

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Amazing Animal Journeys


Amazing Animal Journeys | Livre | Documentaire | 2016 | Français | Auteur : Packham, Chris | Mot clef : Habitat | Résumé : A beautiful, fact-filled picture book by naturalist and TV presenter Chris Packham. Stunningly illustrated by Harry Potter cover artist Jason Cockcroft. Every year billions of animals migrate from one part of our planet to another. Travel around the world to meet some of the masters of migration as they take you with them on some incredible journeys. From whales and wildebeest to butterflies and bats, discover each of their stories, pore over the migration map and uncover extra information in the Find Out More section. An excellent source of expert wildlife information for all young nature lovers, this animal book is the perfect introduction to the natural world for children and anyone who loved Just Ducks or Tiny: The Invisible World of Microbes. Chris Packham presented the BBC's children's series The Really Wild Show before setting up his own TV company and making wildlife shows for ITV, National Geographic, Animal Planet and the BBC. Jason Cockcroft is an award-winning illustrator best known for his internationally acclaimed children's picture book illustrations and his cover artwork for the final three Harry Potter books.

Cote : 590 PAC | ISBN : 9781405283380

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Le cheval


Le cheval | Livre | Documentaire | 2010 | Français | Auteur : Aubron, Anne-claire | Éditeur : Samir | Mot clef : Habitat | Résumé : Cheval -- Le cheval est très peureux et quand il est en liberté, il vit en famille pour se sentir en sécurité. La famille, appelée harde, est composée de trois à cinq juments, de leurs poulains et pouliches et d’un mâle adulte appelé étalon. C’est lui qui protège la harde et, au moindre danger, il s’assure que tout le monde prend la fuite.

Cote : 599 AUB | ISBN : 9789953313146

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Un voyage pas comme les autres (arabe)


Un voyage pas comme les autres (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2011 | Français | Auteur : Sharafeddine, Fatima | Mot clef : Mosquée | Résumé : Marwa just got back from Umrah with her family and narrates the details of her trip in this story. She describes Mecca and the rituals she performed with her parents there. After doing the Ihram, they pray in The Grand Mosque, then proceed to Tawaf around the Kaaba, then perform the Saii, and finally walk up Jabal al-Nour to visit the Cave of Hira. To her, this was the best trip she’s ever had. A Trip Like No Other introduces the basics of Umrah to children by providing visuals that help illustrate the context of the places and the procedures of performing the rituals. Cote : A SHA

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Avicenna (arabe)


Avicenna (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2013 | Français | Auteur : Sharafeddine, Fatima | Résumé : Since early childhood, Avicenna had access to the best instructors of his time. He soon exhibited brilliant talents and excelled in many fields, namely medicine. He spent his life travelling, treating patients, researching, seeking knowledge, and noting down his discoveries. Avicenna wrote new theories for physics, chemistry, astronomy, and education and left behind his most important book The Canon of Medicine, which was translated to several languages and taught in the Islamic world and in Europe till the beginning of the 19th century. Avicenna narrates a non-fiction tale for children through a comprehensible narrative and illustrations to make the subject of history a much more enjoyable topic for them. Cote : A SHA

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Un voyage dans le bec de Kuku (arabe)


Un voyage dans le bec de Kuku (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Inconnu | Résumé : Kuku, the old hungry bird, stares at a pond filled with delicious fish daily. He wishes to eat some of them but his body is no longer fit and he is just not as fast as he used to be. The fish swim very freely in his presence because he is not even a source of threat to them anymore. One day, Kuku gets a treacherous idea that enables him to have two fish daily from the pond. He scares the fish by inventing a story about a fisherman who is intending to cast a large net into the pond and fish everything out. Kuku then suggests transporting two fish in his beak daily to a stream nearby and rescuing them from the fisherman’s threat. A Trip in Kuku’s Beak sheds light on the downfall resulting due to acts of treachery and aims at instilling a sense of rightness in today’s youth. Cote : A INC

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Comment je suis devenue un chapeau en laine (arabe)


Comment je suis devenue un chapeau en laine (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2012 | Français | Auteur : Koraytem, Salma | Résumé : A little girl, who is trying to wrap her head about the meaning of love, narrates How I’ve Become a Wool Hat. She wonders if it has color, taste, or form. She asks her family members one by one and compares their loving behaviour to warm and cozy clothing. She asks questions and tries to relate her understanding to things around her. The story exposes how it is fascinating when a child begins to venture in understanding abstract concepts around adults. How I’ve Become a Wool Hat illustrates how a child’s search for meaning in intangible things can be a creative and interesting process of learning. Cote : A KOR

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J'adore mon monde (arabe)


J'adore mon monde (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2012 | Français | Auteur : Bu Ali, Kifah | Résumé : The special narrator in this story tells us about his silent world. He explains that he sometimes feels lonely and excluded but that there are many things that he enjoys in his world. He describes his most joyful moments with his cat, parents, and friends. I Love My World is an intimate story introducing the idea of the hearing impaired through a warm style of writing and illustrations. Cote : A BU

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Kana Kana (arabe)


Kana Kana (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2013 | Français | Auteur : Al Musallam, Abdulaziz | Mot clef : Emirats arabes unis | Résumé : A poor man and his wife find a beautiful bird and decide to keep it. Soon after, the husband finds a job and believes the bird is his lucky charm. He makes enough money and decides to travel for his own business. Before he leaves, he asks his wife to keep a good eye on the bird and make sure his cage is never left open. A couple of days later, as the wife cleans the cage, the bird manages to fly away. The husband returns and they have a big fight. He later finds the bird locked up in a shopkeeper’s store. He asks him to give the bird back but he says that he bought it years ago from another country. The husband raises the issue to the sultan and both men are brought in for the sultan to test who the bird belongs to. The shopkeeper fails to communicate with the bird but the husband sings Kana Kana with it like they always did. Kana Kana is a traditional tale about hope and songs of love sung from the heart of the UAE culture. Cote : A AL

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Mimi et le piano (arabe)


Mimi et le piano (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2014 | Français | Auteur : Sharafeddine, Fatima | Résumé : Mimi is excited to learn playing the piano but feels discouraged and less enthused as she struggles in the process of learning. The problem is that she is committed to a musical concert and has to perform. Would her mother and teacher be able to convince her of her talent and ability to play in the concert? Mimi and the Piano is a story on practice and perseverance to achieve one’s goals. Cote : A SHA

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Ma montre rose (arabe)


Ma montre rose (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2013 | Français | Auteur : Sharafeddine, Fatima | Mots clefs : Heure, Montre | Résumé : Farah is ecstatic about her new pink watch! She wears it on her wrist everywhere she goes but cannot tell time on it. She asks everyone around to help her understand the hands of the clock but they are all very busy and cannot help her. Persistently, she decides to take the matter into her own hands and find a smart way to learn how to read the time on her own. My Pink Watch offers visuals for the reader to learn about time and is accompanied by a detachable clock for children to practice their time reading skills. Cote : A SHA

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Pierre la Lune / Karim la lune (arabe)


Pierre la Lune / Karim la lune (arabe) | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2012 | Français | Auteur : Brière-haquet, Alice | Résumé : Pierre est un petit garçon qui aimerait offrir à sa maman le plus beau des cadeaux, la lune ! Oui mais la lune, c'est drôlement haut. Il va donc demander de l'aide à tous ceux qu'il rencontre. A chacun, il en promet un petit bout. Mais y en aura-t-il assez pour tout le monde ? Cote : A BRI

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