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Les plus belles Fables de la fontaine et autres auteurs | Livre | Fiction | Conte | 2001 | Français | Auteur : Collection D'auteurs
Cote : C-COL | EAN : 9782842163471
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Where Is the Eiffel Tower? | Livre | Fiction documentaire | Roman | 2017 | Français | Auteur : Anastasio, Dina / Foley, Tim | Mot clef : Tour Eiffel | Résumé : It was originally supposed to stay up for only twenty years, elevators travel on a curve up the legs, it has four restaurants inside...
Cote : RA ANA | EAN : 9780451533845
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Who Was William Shakespeare? | Livre | Documentaire | 2006 | Français | Auteur : Mannis, Celeste Davidson / O'brien, John | Résumé : An actor and theatre owner, a man who remains a mystery to this day, the greatest playwright of all time...
Cote : RA-MAN | ISBN : 9780448439044 | EAN : 9780448439044
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Who Was Queen Elizabeth? | Livre | Documentaire | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Eding, June / Harrisson, Nancy | Résumé : A teenager imprisoned in the dreaded Tower of London, an admirer of William Shakespeare, a beloved ruler known as "Good Queen Bess"
Cote : RA-EDI | ISBN : 9780448448398 | EAN : 9780448448398
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From Hereabout Hill | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2017 | Français | Auteur : Morpurgo, Michael | Résumé : Meet a ghost, enter the horrors of wars, engross yourself in a love story, travel to ancient times. There's a tale for everyone in this spellbinding collection of short stories from War Horse author and former Children's Laureate, Michael Morpurgo.
Cote : RA-MOR | EAN : 9781405233354
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Who Was Galileo? | Livre | Documentaire | 2015 | Français | Auteur : Brennan Demuth, Patricia | Résumé : An astronomer who understood that the Sun does not circle the Earth, a man put under house arrest for his discoveries, the father of modern science.
Cote : RA-DEM | ISBN : 9780448479859 | EAN : 9780448479859
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Folktales are forever | Livre | Fiction | Conte | 2017 | Français | Auteur : Farinre, Efe / Olusanya, Babajide | Résumé : The reader will enjoy humourous timeless African stories whose wisdom and messages transcend the boundaries of race, ethnicity, and tongue...
Cote : CA-FAR | EAN : 9789789579204
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Jérôme par coeur | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2009 | Français | Auteur : Scotto, Thomas | Résumé : Jérôme lui donne ses goûters, le défend contre les moqueries des autres. Dans son sourire, Raphaël se sent protégé. Les jours de sortie, ils se tiennent toujours par la main. Alors oui, Raphaël aime Jérôme. Dans ses rêves et dans la vie. Il le dit.
Cote : A SCO | EAN : 9782330049294
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Who Is Richard Branson? | Livre | Documentaire | 2015 | Français | Auteur : Burgan, Michael / Hammond, Ted | Résumé : A struggling student who suffered from dyslexia, a teenager who started his own Christmas tree business, one of the world's most recognizable billionaires.
Cote : RA-BUR | ISBN : 9780448483153 | EAN : 9780448483153
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Peter Pan | Livre | Fiction | Conte | 2015 | Français | Auteur : Barrie, James Matthew | Résumé : Peter Pan was written by J. M. Barrie and is the story of a magical young boy who refuses to grow up. This lesson looks at gender roles in the...
Cote : RA-BAR | EAN : 9780007558179
32 exemplaires
Who Was Charles Dickens? | Livre | Fiction documentaire | Roman | 2014 | Français | Auteur : Belviso, Meg / Geyer, Mark Edward / Pollack, Pam | Résumé : A young boy who worked in a shoe-polish factory, a world-famous speaker who traveled the globe, the greatest writer of the Victorian era... Cote : RA POL
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Who Was Neil Armstrong? | Livre | Documentaire | 2008 | Français | Auteur : Edwards, Roberta / Marchesi, Stephen | Résumé : A boy who loved to make his own model planes, a teenager who got his pilot's license before his driver's licence, the very first person to set foot on the moon.
Cote : RA-EDW | ISBN : 9780448449074 | EAN : 9780448449074
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