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Radiant Compassion - The Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje - Volume 1


Radiant Compassion - The Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje - Volume 1 | Livre | Documentaire | 2018 | Français | Auteur : Bausch Gerd | Résumé : Beru Khyentse Rinpoche The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (1924-1981), was one of the 20th century's greatest spiritual masters and was highly venerated by teachers and disciples in all Buddhist traditions. Following the 1959 Chinese invasion of Tibet, as head of the Karma Kagyü tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, he went into exile in India. From his new home in Sikkim, as well as during his later extended voyages to the West, the Karmapa contributed immensely to the worldwide flourishing of the Buddha's teachings like few other teachers. With his warmth of heart, his spiritual power and not least his openhearted humor, he moved people to their deepest core and overcame all cultural and social boundaries. Karmapa touched and inspired people from many different spiritual and religious traditions who were interested in inner development, including even those who feared or were critical of religion. His radiant compassion affected all who were fortunate enough to meet him. (More information on www.karmapabiographie.de) In this book Gerd Bausch traces the life of this great Kagyü master who effortlessly pushed the boundaries of the human imagination and provided people with a new outlook. Literally day and night, the 16th Karmapa tirelessly assisted everyone who asked for his advice and help, welcoming all with infinite generosity. In addition to accessing other contemporary sources, Bausch conducted close to eighty interviews, including HH Sakya Trizin, Beru Khyentse Rinpoche, Jigme Rinpoche, O. Nydahl, S. Salzberg, M. Ricard and many others. "This book provides a first-hand view into his exceptional qualities, as it describes his unceasing activities for the benefit of beings and his tireless endeavor to promote a close relationship between the different branches of Tibetan Buddhism." His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin.

Cote : BIOGRAPHIES | ISBN : 3982042917 | EAN : 9783982042916

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Les vœux de Bodhisattva


Les vœux de Bodhisattva | Livre | Documentaire | 1989 | Français | Auteur : Gueshe Yonten Gyatso ; Dagpo Rinpoche Cote : GELUGPA

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The Perfect Human Rebirth : Freedom and Richness on the Path to Enlightenment


The Perfect Human Rebirth : Freedom and Richness on the Path to Enlightenment | Livre | Documentaire | 2013 | Français | Auteur : Lama Zopa Rinpoche | Résumé : Even though we are living in a world that is becoming increasingly dangerous, a world ruled by ignorance, greed and aggression and rife with every type of suffering imaginable, a world that is for many the worst of times, for us it is the best of times. We have received not only a human rebirth but a perfect human rebirth, which gives us every opportunity to practice Dharma to the fullest possible extent. The complete teachings still exist, as do realized teachers who can explain them to us and guide us in our practice, and we have an interest in Buddhadharma, the intelligence to understand it and the ability to integrate the teachings with our life. In this book, Rinpoche explains in the greatest possible detail just how precious this opportunity is and why we should not waste a moment of it. Like the other books in the FPMT Lineage Series, this volume will be a treasured resource for those meditating to receive lam-rim realizations, for those teaching the lam-rim to others, and for all wanting to get a deeper understanding of the Buddha’s teachings and how they benefit all beings.

Cote : GELUGPA | ISBN : 1891868543 | EAN : 9781891868542

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Le Chemin des Nuages Blancs Pèlerinage d'un moine bouddhiste au Tibet


Le Chemin des Nuages Blancs Pèlerinage d'un moine bouddhiste au Tibet | Livre | Documentaire | 1976 | Français | Auteur : Anagarika Govinda | Résumé : Mêlant journal de pèlerinage, récits d’aventure, commentaires philosophiques et études anthropologiques, Lama Govinda, Allemand converti au bouddhisme tibétain et qui vécut trente ans en Inde du Nord, nous livre ici son itinéraire spirituel, ses expériences religieuses et mystiques. Il nous décrit ses impressions personnelles, les personnalités et les événements qui ont exercé sur sa vie intérieure une influence durable. Véritable livre de vie pour toute une génération d’Occidentaux fascinés par l’Orient, cet ouvrage, devenu un classique de la littérature spirituelle, a permis de découvrir une région et une culture jusqu’alors très peu connues. Aujourd’hui encore, il offre un regard unique sur les aspects sociaux et spirituels d’une culture tibétaine plus que jamais menacée.

Cote : HISTOIRE ET CULTURE | ISBN : 9782226002570 | EAN : 9782226002570

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The Ornament Of The Middle Way : A Study of the Madhyamaka Thought of Shantarakshita


The Ornament Of The Middle Way : A Study of the Madhyamaka Thought of Shantarakshita | Livre | Documentaire | 2004 | Français | Auteur : Blumenthal James | Résumé : This is the first book length study of the Madhyamaka thought of Shantaralshita in any Western language. Santaraksita's The Ornament of the Middle Way is among the most important Mahayana Buddhist philosophical treatises to emerge on the Indian subcontinent. In many respects, it represents the culmination of more than 1,300 years of philosophical dialogue and inquiry since the time of the history Buddha, Sakyamuni, Santaraksita set forth the foundation of a syncretic approach to contemporary ideas by synthesizing the three major trends in Indian Buddhist thought at the time (the Madhyamaka thought of Nagarjuna, the Yogacara thought of Asanga, and the logical and epistemological thought of Dharmakirti) into one consistent and coherent system. Santaraksita's text is considered to be the quintessential exposition, or root text, of the school of Buddhist philosophical thought known in Tibet as Yogacara-Svatantrika-Madhyamaka. In addition to examining his ideas in their Indian context, this study looks at the way in which Santaraksita's ideas have been understood by, and have been an influence on, Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Specifically, Blumenthal examines the way scholars from the Geluk School of Tibetan Buddhism have interpreted, represented, and incorporated Santaraksita's ideas into their own philosophical project. This is the first book-length study of Santaraksita's Madhyamaka thought in any Western language. It includes a new translation of Santaraksita's treaties and extensive extracts from his autocommentary. Also included is the first complete English translation of the primary Geluk commentary on Santaraksita's treatise Gyel-tsab Je's Remembering "The Ornament of the Middle Way".

Cote : SUTRA-SHASTRA | ISBN : 1559392053 | EAN : 9781559392051

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Le Novice


Le Novice | Livre | Documentaire | 2012 | Français | Auteur : Thich Nhat Hanh | Résumé : L'histoire vraie de Quan Âm Thi Kinh. Issue d’une famille aristocratique du Viêt-Nam rural, Kinh Tam, une femme d’une grande beauté et d’une intelligence supérieure, formée dès l’enfance aux enseignements de Bouddha, souhaite rompre le joug du mariage pour se consacrer à une vie exclusivement monastique. Un désir impossible à réaliser, puisque les temples vietnamiens n’acceptent que les hommes pour l'ordination. Kinh Tam décide alors de quitter la ville déguisée en homme, et d’entrer dans un monastère en tant que novice…

Cote : AUTRES TRADITIONS | ISBN : 9782702908822 | EAN : 9782702908822

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La Meditation Du Dragon


La Meditation Du Dragon | Livre | Documentaire | 1994 | Français | Auteur : Gyalwang Droukchen | Résumé : Dans la Méditation du Dragon, Sa Sainteté aborde le cœur du sujet : la découverte de la vérité au-delà des apparences. Quels outils pour cette découverte ? La compréhension, la méditation, ainsi que le jeu mystérieux et intime de la dévotion s'unissant à la bénédiction. Le lecteur engagé dans la pratique du bouddhisme, ou simplement celui qui cherche à la comprendre, trouvera là, sans aucun doute, une source d'inspiration à laquelle il s'abreuvera pendant longtemps.

Cote : KAGYUPA | ISBN : 9782905998296 | EAN : 9782905998293

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Le Traite de Boddhidharma : Première anthologie du bouddhisme chan


Le Traite de Boddhidharma : Première anthologie du bouddhisme chan | Livre | Documentaire | 2000 | Français | Auteur : Bodhidharma | Résumé : Première anthologie du bouddhisme chan. Le Traité de Bodhidharma est le plus ancien texte du bouddhisme chan (zen). Il s’agit d’une anthologie de la première école du Chan – apparue vers le milieu du Vie siècle en chine –, laquelle considérait le semi-légendaire moine indien Bodhidharma comme son fondateur. Cette école est devenue très vite un des courants dominants de la pensée chinoise et exerça par la suite une forte influence sur le bouddhisme coréen et japonais. Cette première traduction intégrale en français est due à Bernard Faure, qui a étudié et pratiqué le Zen pendant un séjour de sept ans au Japon. Docteur ès lettres et sciences humaines de l’université de Paris pour ses recherches sur la tradition du Chan, il enseigne actuellement l’histoire des religions asiatiques à l’université de Stanford, en Californie.

Cote : BOUDDHISME DIVERS | ISBN : 2020367378 | EAN : 9782020367370

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