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Super Fly Guy | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2006 | Anglais | Auteur : Arnold, Tedd | Éditeur : Editions scholastic | Résumé : Fly Guy loves the school lunchroom. He loves the dirty dishes, the smelly mop, and the garbage cans. But when the lunch ladies discover there's a fly in the cafeteria, chaos ensues! Though Fly Guy makes a mess of things, he also shows his powers as a Super Fly Guy!
Collation : 30 p.
Cote : A ANG ARN | EAN : 9780439639040
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Shoo, Fly Guy | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2006 | Anglais | Auteur : Arnold, Tedd | Éditeur : Editions scholastic | Résumé : Fly Guy returns home to discover that Buzz has gone on a picnic without him! Sad and hungry, Fly Guy takes off in search of his favorite food. He gets shooed away from a hamburger, a pizza, a dog's bones, and even roadkill--leaving readers to guess what Fly Guy's favorite oozy, lumpy, smelly, and brown food could possibly be! Why, it's shoo-fly pie, of course!
Collation : 30 p.
Cote : A ANG ARN | EAN : 9780439639057
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Happy pig day ! An Elefant & Piggie book | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2011 | Anglais | Auteur : Willems, Mo | Éditeur : Hyperion Books | Résumé : Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In Happy Pig Day! Piggie celebrates her favorite day of the year! But will Gerald the Elephant be included in the festivities?
Collation : 57 p.
Cote : A ANG WIL | EAN : 9781423143420
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Pigs make me sneeze! An Elefant & Piggie book | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2009 | Anglais | Auteur : Willems, Mo | Éditeur : Walker Books | Résumé : Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. Gerald begins to wonder if he is allergic to his best friend. Will he have to stay away from Piggie for ever...?!
Collation : 57 p.
Cote : A ANG WIL | EAN : 9781529512373
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I broke my trunk! An Elefant & Piggie book | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2011 | Anglais | Auteur : Willems, Mo | Éditeur : Walker Books | Résumé : Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. Gerald tells Piggie the long, crazy story about breaking his trunk. Will Piggie end up with a long, crazy story of her own?
Collation : 57 p.
Cote : A ANG WIL | EAN : 9781406373592
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The Who Was ? History of the world | Livre | Documentaire | 2019 | Anglais | Auteur : Manzanero, Paula K | Éditeur : Penguin | Mot clef : Histoire | Résumé : For the first time ever, the Who Was? subjects are gathered into a single title! The Who Was? History of the World is a journey along the timeline of history, noting the birthdays of 150 people in the series and what was happening in the world at that moment in time. Follow the timeline to learn who was doing what when, from the days of ancient Egypt, all the way up to the present.
Collation : 172 p.
Cote : 90 ANG MAN | EAN : 9780593224342
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Stick man | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2016 | Anglais | Auteur : Donaldson, Julia | Éditeur : Alison Green Books | Résumé : Stick Man lives in the family tree With his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three...
Cote : A ANG DON | EAN : 9781407170718
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We all belong: A children's book about diversity, race and empathy | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2020 | Anglais | Auteur : Goss, Nathalie | Éditeur : Goss Castle | Résumé : We all Belong' is a beautifully written and illustrated children's picture book that recognises and celebrates the diversity in a caring group of children.
Collation : 39 p.
Cote : A ANG GOS | EAN : 9798670945912
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The Magic School Bus: Lost in the solar system | Livre | Fiction | Album | 1990 | Anglais | Auteur : Cole, Joanna | Éditeur : Editions scholastic | Mot clef : Système solaire | Résumé : The fieldtrip to the planetarium is foiled when the museum turns out to be closed, but Ms. Frizzle saves the day. The Magic School Bus turns into a spaceship and takes the class on a trip zooming through the atmosphere, to the Moon, and beyond! With up-to-date facts about the solar system, revised for this edition.
Collation : 40 p.
Cote : A ANG COL | EAN : 9780590414296
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The very hungry caterpillar | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2020 | Anglais | Auteur : Carle, Eric | Éditeur : Penguin | Résumé : Rédigé en anglais. Version anglaise originale de la petite chenille qui avait très faim : un beau dimanche est née une petite chenille qui avait très faim. Chaque jour de la semaine, elle grignote un fruit différent, et en plus grande quantité à chaque fois, jusqu'à ce qu'elle se mette en cocon avant de devenir un beau papillon.
Cote : A ANG CAR | EAN : 9780140569322
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Slowly, slowly, slowly, said the sloth | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2002 | Anglais | Auteur : Carle, Eric | Éditeur : Penguin | Résumé : Slowly, slowly, slowly . . . that's the way the sloth moves. Slowly, it eats and then, slowly, it falls asleep. "What strange kind of creature is this?" the other animals wonder. Why doesn't it run or fly or play or hunt like the rest of us? "Why are you so slow?" the howler monkey inquires. But the sloth doesn't answer any questions until the jaguar asks, "Why are you so lazy?"
Cote : A ANG CAR | EAN : 9780142408476
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Where the wild things are | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2023 | Anglais | Auteur : Sendak, Maurice | Éditeur : Penguin | Résumé : This iconic story has inspired a movie, an opera, and the imagination of generations. When Max dresses in his wolf suit and causes havoc in the house, his mother sends him to bed. From there, Max sets sail to an island inhabited by the Wild Things, who name him king and share a wild rumpus with him. But then from far away across the world, Max smells good things to eat...
Cote : A ANG SEN | EAN : 9780099408390
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