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Captain Underpants And The Big Bad Battle Of The: The Revenge of the Ridiculous Robo-boogers


Captain Underpants And The Big Bad Battle Of The: The Revenge of the Ridiculous Robo-boogers | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Anglais | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : Laugh out loud with Captain Underpants, the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Dav Pilkey, the creator of Dog Man! George and Harold thought they were beyond boogers. Their new pet, Sulu the Bionic Hamster, had defeated the Bionic Booger Boy, and through the wonders of science, Melvin Sneedly had been brought back to normal (well, almost normal). It looked like their last adventure was actually going to have a happy ending... except for one thing (well, three things) -- the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers. Now George, Harold, and their buddies are on the run -- with the Robo-Boogers in hot, gooey pursuit! Will the boys get away from these gross globs, or will Sulu have to save the day again?

Cote : IEN PIL | ISBN : 9780439376129 | EAN : 9780439376129

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Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets


Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Anglais | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : Laugh out loud with Captain Underpants, the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Dav Pilkey, the creator of Dog Man!George and Harold are usually responsible kids -- whenever anything bad happens, George and Harold are usually responsible! This time, their latest prank backfires, and they accidentally invent an army of terrifying talking toilets. Luckily, they know a superhero with enough snap in his waistband to save the day! This looks like another job for the amazing Captain Underpants!

Cote : IEN PIL CAP | ISBN : 9780590634274 | EAN : 9780590634274

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Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People


Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Anglais | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : The eighth book in Dav Pilkey's mega-bestselling Captain Underpants series. Now with super-cool foil covers! Shiny! Fun!When we last saw George and Harold, they were about to take their pet pterodactyl Crackers back to the Cretaceous period. But things didn't work out quite as they had hoped. They've entered an absurd alternate reality where teachers are nice, kids are allowed to read banned books, and the cafeteria food doesn't smell like dirty diapers. Even worse, they've discovered alternate versions of themselves--Evil George and Evil Harold--who plan to unleash some preposterous plans on Piqua, Ohio. Now it's up to George and Harold to defeat the evil twins and THEIR superhero, Captain Blunderpants!

Cote : IEN PIL CAP | ISBN : 9780439376143 | EAN : 9780439376143

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The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby


The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Anglais | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : In this outrageous comic novel, Dav Pilkey creates a hilarious book "by George Beard and Harold Hutchins," the fourth-grade stars of Pilkey's bestselling Captain Underpants series. George Beard and Harold Hutchins are two amazing kids. Not only did they create Captain Underpants, but they've saved the world five times! Now George and Harold bring you an all new superhero who's faster than a speeding stroller, more powerful than diaper rash, and able to leap tall buildings without making poopy stinkers. Meet Super Diaper Baby - the most powerful peewee to ever pack a punch. George and Harold's brand new superhero is sure to make kids laugh until drink comes out of their noses! From the author of Captain Underpants, Cat Kid Comic Club and Dog Man series Hilarious graphic novel illustrations throughout

Cote : IEN PIL ADV | ISBN : 9780439981613 | EAN : 9780439981613

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Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers


Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Anglais | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they had been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, post-apocalyptic planet for all eternity. But why, you might ask, didn't the amazing Captain Underpants save the boys from this frightening fate? Because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijinks prevented George and Harold from creating Captain Underpants in the first place! Now, having changed the course of human history forever, they'll have to figure out a way to CHANGE IT BACK. Could this be the end for Captain Underpants?!!

Cote : IEN PIL CAP | ISBN : 9781407134680 | EAN : 9781407134680

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Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman


Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Anglais | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : George and Harold are having a normal kind of week. Yesterday they found out they were going to flunk fourth grade. Today they've created an evil, super-powerful monster. She's mean. She's got a fake-fur Evil Baddie costume - and she's having a REALLY bad hair day. With the help of her robots, the Wicked Wedgie Woman is on a mission to take over the world ... and she'll give a whopping wedgie to anyone who stands in her way! Watch out!

Cote : IEN PIL CAP | ISBN : 9780439994804 | EAN : 9780439994804

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Encanto | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Espagnol | Auteur : Disney | Éditeur : Disney | Résumé : Encanto es el lugar donde vive la familia Madrigal. Es un enclave único, lleno de magia, que ha bendecido a cada miembro de la familia con un don sobrenatural. A todos menos a Mirabel. Sin embargo, cuando la joven descubre que la magia de Encanto está en peligro, se da cuenta de que solo ella podrá devolver a su familia a su extraordinaria normalidad.

Cote : IES1 DIS ENC | ISBN : 9788499519937 | EAN : 9788499519937

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El mussol ha perdut les ulleres


El mussol ha perdut les ulleres | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Catalan | Auteur : Vvaa | Éditeur : Casals Cote : ICA0 VVA

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En Creu


En Creu | Livre | Fiction | Poésie | 2024 | Catalan | Auteur : Verdaguer, Jacint | Éditeur : Cruïlla | Résumé : Un poema per començar a llegir poesia i dir els poemes de memòria.

Cote : 833 VER CRE | ISBN : 9788466109185 | EAN : 9788466109185

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Quietud | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Catalan | Auteur : Martí I Pol, Miquel | Éditeur : Cruïlla

Cote : 833 MAR QUI | ISBN : 9788466108706 | EAN : 9788466108706

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La Bruixa de l'aire


La Bruixa de l'aire | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Catalan | Auteur : Stilton, Téa | Éditeur : Estrella Polar | Résumé : Un núvol avança per l’horitzó, engolint tot el que troba al seu pas. Sulfúria, la Bruixa de l’Aire i la Senyora de les Essències, està disposada a llançar el seu atac i enfrontar-se amb les princeses en un duel d’encanteris.

Cote : ICA3 STI BRU | ISBN : 9788416520442 | EAN : 9788416520442

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El misteri de l'ou daurat


El misteri de l'ou daurat | Livre | Fiction | Roman | 2024 | Catalan | Auteur : Mañas Romero, Pedro | Éditeur : Cruïlla | Résumé : És que no te n#has adonat? El conte ha canviat! La Bamba viu tranquil·lament al seu castell amb la seva mare, la reina. I un dia rep una carta del príncep Rosko dient-li que se n'ha enamorat. I que s'hi vol casar. Però ella no en vol ni sentir a parlar. Per sort, hi ha altres princeses i un mag i un ou de drac i fins i tot dos lladres en un bosc ple de bolets verinosos..., que ho trastoquen tot.

Cote : ICA2 MAÑ MIS | ISBN : 9788466141772 | EAN : 9788466141772

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