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Daniau, Marc / Horowitz, Anthony / Le Goyat, Annick
Publié en 2008
Hachette Jeunesse
251 p.
Le détective privé Tim Diamant, autrement dit Herbert, frère du narrateur, a accepté de garder un paquet, au péril de sa vie. Mais ce paquet ne contient que des chocolats maltés...
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 2-01-322421-4
EAN : 9782013224215
Gapaillard, Laurent / Gripari, Pierre
Publié en 2012
Grasset Jeunesse
1 vol. (212 p.)
Le jeune prince Pipo découvre, un vilain matin, que ses parents ne sont ni roi, ni reine, mais de pauvres gens. Le garçon décide de partir à la conquête de son royaume. Avec son petit cheval rouge plein de fougue, il devra surmonter bien des épreuves avant de trouver sa route et de rencontrer la jolie princesse Popi...
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 9782013227773
EAN : 9782013227773
Bozellec, Anne / Cahour, Chantal
Publié en 2003
120 p.
Lucie déteste les épinards, la ratatouille et le poisson. Mais à la cantine il faut manger de tout et à la maison, sa grand-mère refuse de préparer tous les jours des frites ou des pizzas. Avec ses copains, Lucie cherche une solution pour échapper à ce qu'elle n'aime pas et qu'elle a surnommé " la ragougnasse ".
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
ISBN : 2-7002-2833-2
EAN : 9782700228335
Brisou-pellen, Evelyne
Publié en 1999
Ploc-Ploc, l'extraterrestre venu de la planète Boud chercher un spécimen de la race humaine, n'a pas choisi Chloé au hasard parmi des milliards d'extraboudins. Elle est la plus belle ! Mais la petite fille qui découvre l'intrus dans son coffre à jouets refuse le voyage intergalactique qu'il lui propose.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Français
EAN : 9782700225723
Waddell, Martin
Publié en 2005
Walker Books
Little Bear is having a great time, playing in the snowy woods, when he hears a plodding noise that makes him shiver. Suddenly there are scary Plodders and Drippers and Ploppers everywhere. Fortunately, Big Bear is on hand to comfort him.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Waddell, Martin
Publié en 2006
Walker Books
A gentle, heart-warming bedtime tale, featuring the popular Big and Little Bear. Little Bear has found a little-bear-sized cave to play in ... and when night falls, he decides to sleep there too. But as he looks out of his cave at the moon shining through the dark trees, Little Bear starts to wonder whether Big Bear might not be lonely without him...
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Luck, Donna
Publié en 2005
Positive Press
This story is set in a classroom and follows the events around Miss Beanie and her class of animal characters as they learn the value of the golden rule of the title.
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Luck, Donna
Publié en 2004
Positive Press
Fiction documentaire
Zelda is a Zebra who doesn't wait to hear the end of a sentence. Will Gino the giraffe ever manage to announce his important news?
Golden rules series
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Luck, Donna
Publié en 2005
Positive Press
Fiction documentaire
Miss Beanie and her class are getting ready for Thursday's concert. But Mona Monkey is enjoying playing so much that she doesn't want to follow instructions.
Golden rules Series
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Luck, Donna
Publié en 2005
Positive Press
Fiction documentaire
On Monday Alfred Alligator is bursting with news - his mother has had a baby. He brings in a special box of treasures to share with the class. But Louis Lion wastes so much time that there is no opportunity at the end of that day, or on Tuesday, or on Wednesday. When finally, on Thursday there is time and Miss Beanie asks Alfred to share the box, he has taken it home again as he thought no-one was interested. Will the class get to see his treasures?
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Luck, Donna
Publié en 2005
Positive Press
Fiction documentaire
Miss Beanie is shocked to find her whole class rolling aroung on the floor in a heap. She tells them that unless they can be trusted to be gentle with one another, their friend Alfred Alligator, who has injured his tail, will not be able to return to school
Golden Rules Series
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais
Luck, Donna
Publié en 2004
Positive Press
Fiction documentaire
Let’s face it – it is only kindness that will ever make this world a better place. In this simple story Elsa Elephant behaves badly which leads to important lessons about being kind and helpful. There’s a big surprise in store for the whole class – except for Elsa Elephant who has behaved badly and not thought of others feelings. Miss Beanie does not choose her but instead gives the surprise to Gino Giraffe and Zelda Zebra to look after. A chance encounter finally allows Elsa to prove to Miss Beanie that she too can be kind and helpful and she learns just how nice it can be to be trusted to follow the Golden Rule. This resource is part of Jenny Mosley’s Golden Rules range.
Golden Rules Animal Stories
Mots clefs :
Langue : Anglais