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The Best Teacher in Second Grade


The Best Teacher in Second Grade | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2006 | Français | Auteur : Kenah, Katharine | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : Collection I CAN READ - BEGINNING READING LEVEL 2 Cote : A KEN

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Best Friends for Franges


Best Friends for Franges | Livre | Fiction | Album | 1989 | Français | Auteur : Hoban, Russel | Résumé : Collection I CAN READ - BEGINNING READING LEVEL 2 Can a little sister also be a friend ? Frances doesn't think so. But when Albert has a no-girls baseball game, frances and Gloria teach him a thing or twxo about friendship! Cote : A HOB

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Gilbert and The Lost Tooth


Gilbert and The Lost Tooth | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2012 | Français | Auteur : de Groat, Diane | Éditeur : Scholastic | Mot clef : Dent | Résumé : Collection I CAN READ - BEGINNING READING LEVEL 1 Bam ! out falls Gilbert's loose tooth at recess ! He's so excited for the tooth fairy to come and leave him a surprise. But when Lewis gets jealous and comme up with a sneaky plan, will the tooth fairy fallor it ? Cote : A GRO

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Dogman | Livre | Fiction | Bande dessinée | 2016 | Français | Auteur : Pilkey, Dav | Éditeur : Scholastic Cote : BD PIL

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Dinosaur Pizza


Dinosaur Pizza | Livre | Fiction | Album | 1998 | Français | Auteur : Wardlaw, Lee | Mot clef : Déjeuner | Résumé : PALNET READER - LEVEL 2 Cote : A WAR

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A Birthday for Bear


A Birthday for Bear | Livre | Fiction | Album | 2009 | Français | Auteur : Becker, Bonny | Résumé : SPARKS FOR NEW READERS ! Cote : A BEC

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Frog and Toad


Frog and Toad | Livre | Fiction | Album | 1971 | Français | Auteur : Lobel, Arnold | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : Frog and Toad are friends They take wals together, they eat cookies together they play game togethervand sometines, the things they do together are scary ! There are five wonderful stories about Frog and Toad in this book. Cote : A LOB

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Comes to Its Senses


Comes to Its Senses | Livre | Documentaire | 2009 | Français | Auteur : Earhat, Kristin | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : Collection The Magic School Bus Can you answer this question about one of your five senses ? Join Ms Frizzle and her class on a clue-hunting field trip inside the human body !

Cote : 612 EAR | ISBN : 9780545167260

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In The Haunted Museum


In The Haunted Museum | Livre | Documentaire | 1995 | Français | Auteur : Ward Beech, Linda | Éditeur : Scholastic

Cote : 723 WAR | ISBN : 97807300350

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Intense ! Machines


Intense ! Machines | Livre | Documentaire | 2013 | Français | Auteur : Domnauer, Teresa | Mot clef : Engin | Résumé : READERS LEVEL 2 Non fiction readers are an important resource for engaging children while building knwolege and developping reading skill. Children will love to learn with spectrum Readers !

Cote : 620 DOM | ISBN : 04422222952

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Fly Guy presents Firefighters


Fly Guy presents Firefighters | Livre | Documentaire | 2014 | Français | Auteur : Arnold, Tedd | Éditeur : Scholastic | Résumé : Fly Guy is buzzong over to the firehouse today. Comme along to learn all about firefighters !

Cote : 331 ARN | ISBN : 9780545631600

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From Farm to Table


From Farm to Table | Livre | Documentaire | 2007 | Français | Auteur : Butenhoff | Résumé : LEVEL 2

Cote : 630 BUT | ISBN : 9781410881205

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